Annual Report Filing: Electricity
Pursuant to IC ยงยง 8-1-2-16; 8-1.5-3-14; 8-1-2-42.5
Reports are due by April 30, 2024
- Download the appropriate annual report form based on utility type and classification (see below).
- Complete each question fully and accurately, even if it was answered in a prior annual report.
- Complete all schedules using the words "None" or "N/A," if not applicable.
- Round all numbers to the nearest dollar.
- Submit the annual report.
Submittals should include the following:
- Annual report
- Periodic Review form (if required)
- Verification page (signed)
How to submit a report:
Reports must be submitted electronically using the Commission's Electronic Filing System.
2023 Forms
Annual Report Forms
- Municipal Class A-B (Operating revenues of $1,000,000 or more)
- Municipal Class C-D (Operating revenues of $1,000,000 or less)
- Contracts with Affiliate Interests
Periodic Review Forms
(Required for utilities with more than 5,000 customers)
Please contact the Energy Division at (317) 232-2785.