Daycare Provider Reports  |  Immunization Index  |  Data and Statistics


Immunization Levels in Indiana

2004-2005 School Year

Data in this report was collected from 384 daycare facilities
throughout Indiana and compiled by the
Indiana State Department of Health’s Immunization Program

Immunization Program
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Published: 03/2005

Indiana State Department of Health
Judith A. Monroe, M.D., State Health Commissioner
Sue Uhl, J.D., Deputy State Health Commissioner

Community and Family Health Services Commission
Vacant, Assistant Commissioner

Immunization Program
Michael Runau, M.S., Program Director
Charlene Graves, M.D., Medical Director

Primary Author
Megan Steiger, M.P.H., Epidemiologist



As required by 470 IAC 3-4.1-12, all licensed child care centers in Indiana must submit immunization reports to the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) on an annual basis. The data from the 2004-2005 daycare facility immunization assessment is summarized in this report. Data was submitted for children in daycare centers between the ages of 15 to 23 months and 2 to 5 years.

It is of utmost importance that upon enrollment, each facility inform parents as to which vaccines are required and give them a reasonable time frame for bringing their child(ren) “up-to-date” even though assessments are required only once per year. To be considered complete, a child must have age-appropriately received vaccines for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, haemophilus influenzae type b, pneumococcus and chickenpox. Although immunization against hepatitis b is not required for enrollment in child care facilities in Indiana, coverage levels for this vaccine was reported and is shown in the Immunization Status Report.


  • A total of 384 daycare facilities reported data on 24,629 children enrolled in their facilities.
  • Immunization completion rates for 15 to 23 month old children were measured at 77 percent versus 2 to 5 year olds who held vaccination completion rates of 83 percent.
  • Eighty-two percent of children enrolled in daycare facilities in Indiana have completed their immunizations according to State requirements, a substantial decrease from the previous year (table 1)
Table 1. Summary results of daycare immunization assessments,
1999-2000 to 2004-2005 school years, Indiana.
1999-2000 426 (151) 33,058 28,116 85%
2000-2001 481 (198) 36,215 27,050 75%
2001-2002 484 (66) 35,324 31,457 89%
2002-2003* 438 (133) 34,012 28,994 85%
2003-2004** 417 (117) 27,020 21,073 78%
2004-2005 384 (146) 24,629 20,297 82%
*Vaccine shortage experienced during the 2002-2003 assessment year
**New immunization requirements for daycare immunization began during the 2003-2004 assessment year


  • Daycare immunization rates increased for the first time in over three assessment years. Daycare sites who submitted immunization data to ISDH are congratulated for the improvement in rates.
  • The number of daycare sites submitting immunization reports to ISDH has decreased again for this assessment period. Daycares need to be aware of the requirements of submitting this data to ISDH as listed in 470 IAC 3-4.1-12.
  • Daycare providers need to strictly enforce the immunization requirements to protect children in their facilities against vaccine-preventable diseases. Facilities in need of assistance in improving their immunization rates should contact the Immunization Program or their Immunization Field Representative

Daycare Provider Reports  |  Immunization Index  |  Data and Statistics