Table of Contents 

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Indiana Statewide Survey Data, 2009
C23Q02 What do you think is the most effective thing to do to prevent spreading the flu to people when you are sick? (PF09Q02)
Denominator is all respondents to the question.

Categories Frequent hand

Covering your
mouth and
nose when
coughing or
Staying home
when you are
sick with
the flu
Getting the
flu vaccination


% % % % % N
Age Group: *** *** *** *** *** 46
      25-34 38.5 7.9 51.4 1.2 1.0 136
      35-44 34.1 9.8 51.4 4.5 0.3 195
      45-54 33.5 12.9 47.0 3.4 3.2 300
      55-64 26.6 10.8 57.5 4.3 0.8 329
      65-74 26.0 9.0 58.9 4.4 1.8 247
      75 + 23.0 10.2 59.8 6.3 0.7 171
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** 12
Sex: 26.9 12.8 53.8 3.5 2.9 527
      Female 40.1 7.0 49.0 3.0 0.9 909
Race/Ethnicity: 34.5 9.1 51.1 3.3 2.0 1,187
      White, Non-Hispanic
      Black, Non-Hispanic 33.4 11.0 50.0 3.8 1.8 172
      Other/Multiracial, Non-Hispanic       *** *** *** *** *** 29
      Hispanic *** *** *** *** *** 39
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** 9
Income Group: 28.9 7.6 59.7 3.5 0.3 153
      < $15,000
      $15-$24,999 31.4 20.7 42.8 4.6 0.5 258
      $25-$49,999 38.1 6.2 48.1 4.9 2.7 367
      $50-$74,999 28.7 7.5 60.8 2.4 0.5 213
      >=$75,000 32.9 11.6 51.6 2.6 1.3 255
      Unk/Ref 39.8 4.0 49.3 1.0 6.0 190
Education Level: 34.1 12.1 47.7 4.1 2.0 128
      < H S Graduate
      H S Graduate/GED 29.6 8.7 54.7 3.7 3.3 569
      Some college/Tech school 36.9 10.4 50.5 1.7 0.5 374
      College graduate 35.1 9.7 49.3 4.2 1.7 365
Marital Status: 34.7 9.8 51.2 3.0 1.3 761
      Unmarried 32.1 9.9 51.6 3.7 2.8 672
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** 3
Employment Status: 34.7 11.2 48.6 3.0 2.4 728
      Not employed 33.6 6.2 56.1 2.3 1.8 93
      Student/Homemaker 49.4 4.0 45.8 0.5 0.3 130
      Retired/Unable to work 22.7 10.4 60.4 5.9 0.6 482
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** 3
Grand Totals 33.7 9.8 51.3 3.3 1.9 1,436

SOURCE: 2009 Indiana BRFSS Statewide Survey Data
NOTE:      Percents are based on weighted data; unless otherwise specified, totals are unweighted numbers.
                ***Asterisks indicate too few cases to calculate a reliable percent.
                Excluding the 'Unknown/Refused' responses

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