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Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Indiana Statewide Survey Data, 2008
M04.06 Do you have any kind of health insurance coverage for eye care? (VIINSUR2)
Denominator is respondents age 40 years and older.

Categories Yes
% % % N
Age Group: 60.9 37.5 1.6 365
      45-54 63.4 34.7 1.9 1,000
      55-64 58.0 39.8 2.2 956
      65-74 42.6 54.5 2.9 743
      75 + 44.3 51.7 3.9 570
      Unk/Ref 61.5 35.8 2.7 59
Sex: 57.0 40.8 2.2 1,365
      Female 55.3 42.2 2.5 2,328
Race/Ethnicity: 55.9 41.9 2.2 3,098
      White, Non-Hispanic
      Black, Non-Hispanic 64.5 33.5 2.0 393
      Other/Multiracial, Non-Hispanic       54.8 36.7 8.5 76
      Hispanic 52.5 47.3 0.2 87
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 39
Income Group: 36.4 59.5 4.1 404
      < $15,000
      $15-$24,999 38.2 59.0 2.7 604
      $25-$49,999 54.9 43.2 1.8 920
      $50-$74,999 69.6 29.9 0.5 506
      >=$75,000 67.1 31.1 1.8 706
      Unk/Ref 49.0 45.7 5.4 553
Education Level: 42.8 53.3 3.9 365
      < H S Graduate
      H S Graduate/GED 54.6 43.1 2.3 1,463
      Some college/Tech school 56.3 41.8 1.9 905
      College graduate 61.2 36.3 2.5 953
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 7
Marital Status: 59.2 38.7 2.1 2,006
      Unmarried 49.3 47.6 3.1 1,665
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 22
Employment Status: 65.5 32.9 1.6 1,805
      Not employed 39.1 60.2 0.7 158
      Student/Homemaker 46.2 49.8 4.0 274
      Retired/Unable to work 44.6 51.8 3.5 1,446
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 10
Grand Totals 56.1 41.5 2.4 3,693

SOURCE: 2008 Indiana BRFSS Statewide Survey Data
NOTE:      Percents are based on weighted data; unless otherwise specified, totals are unweighted numbers.
                ***Asterisks indicate too few cases to calculate a reliable percent.

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