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Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Indiana Statewide Survey Data, 2007
M16.09 Treatment can help people with mental illness lead normal lives. Do you agree slightly or strongly, or disagree slightly or strongly? (MISTRHLP)
Denominator is all respondents to the question.

Categories Agree strongly
Agree slightly
Neither agree
nor disagree
Disagree slightly
Disagree strongly

% % % % % % N
Age Group: 52.6 38.1 0.7 5.6 2.5 0.6 215
      25-34 59.3 31.8 1.0 3.8 1.7 2.4 630
      35-44 69.2 24.0 1.2 3.1 1.3 1.3 909
      45-54 71.8 20.9 1.4 2.6 0.8 2.5 1,183
      55-64 69.5 21.9 1.1 2.9 1.5 3.1 1,148
      65-74 64.7 24.7 2.1 1.7 0.6 6.1 772
      75 + 58.3 25.6 2.2 5.1 0.9 7.8 649
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** *** 44
Sex: 58.3 31.2 1.3 4.4 1.7 3.1 2,046
      Female 70.0 22.4 1.3 2.6 1.1 2.7 3,504
Race/Ethnicity: 65.9 25.4 1.2 3.3 1.4 2.8 4,569
      White, Non-Hispanic
      Black, Non-Hispanic 55.9 32.1 0.7 4.4 1.6 5.3 620
      Other/Multiracial, Non-Hispanic       61.9 28.4 3.6 3.5 0.1 2.4 142
      Hispanic 50.5 38.8 1.3 5.1 1.2 3.1 172
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** *** 47
Income Group: 58.3 30.4 0.2 4.4 2.5 4.2 528
      < $15,000
      $15-$24,999 61.9 26.3 1.0 5.2 2.1 3.6 902
      $25-$49,999 59.9 31.6 1.3 3.4 1.4 2.4 1,438
      $50-$74,999 67.6 24.3 1.3 3.0 1.6 2.2 891
      >=$75,000 73.8 20.6 1.0 2.6 0.5 1.5 1,067
      Unk/Ref 57.8 28.9 2.5 3.5 1.1 6.2 724
Education Level: 51.9 33.0 1.7 4.6 4.3 4.5 547
      < H S Graduate
      H S Graduate/GED 58.7 29.2 1.7 4.6 1.2 4.6 2,073
      Some college/Tech school 67.0 25.9 0.9 3.7 1.0 1.4 1,367
      College graduate 74.2 21.5 0.9 1.4 0.8 1.3 1,554
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** *** 9
Marital Status: 67.7 24.2 1.4 3.0 0.9 2.9 3,050
      Unmarried 58.9 30.7 1.0 4.3 2.2 2.9 2,481
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** *** 19
Employment Status: 65.5 26.6 1.1 3.3 1.2 2.3 2,979
      Not employed 62.5 30.7 0.2 2.9 2.1 1.7 265
      Student/Homemaker 64.1 27.4 2.2 3.7 1.2 1.5 564
      Retired/Unable to work 62.2 25.3 1.5 3.7 1.8 5.5 1,720
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** *** *** *** 22
Grand Totals 64.4 26.6 1.3 3.5 1.3 2.9 5,550

SOURCE: 2007 Indiana BRFSS Statewide Survey Data
NOTE:      Percents are based on weighted data; unless otherwise specified, totals are unweighted numbers.
                ***Asterisks indicate too few cases to calculate a reliable percent.

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