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Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Indiana Statewide Survey Data, 2003
Q118. Risk factor for having been counseled by a health professional within the past 12 months on prevention of sexually transmitted diseases through condom use.
Denominator is respondents less than 65 years of age.

Categories Not at Risk

At Risk


% % % N
Age Group: 32.5 67.5 0.0 406
      25-34 12.3 86.8 0.8 861
      35-44 4.4 95.3 0.2 1,016
      45-54 2.1 97.7 0.2 1,082
      55-64 1.3 98.6 0.1 799
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 26
Sex: 7.5 91.9 0.6 1,713
      Female 11.9 87.2 0.9 2,477
Race/Ethnicity: 8.0 91.4 0.6 3,608
      White, Non-Hispanic
      Black, Non-Hispanic 20.6 78.9 0.5 235
      Other/Multiracial, Non-Hispanic       11.0 88.0 0.9 156
      Hispanic 26.8 71.0 2.3 166
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 25
Income Group: 21.7 76.4 1.9 330
      < $15,000
      $15-$24,999 21.1 78.3 0.6 607
      $25-$49,999 8.6 91.2 0.2 1,283
      $50-$74,999 2.9 96.8 0.3 818
      >=$75,000 4.2 95.5 0.3 763
      Unk/Ref 11.4 85.5 3.2 389
Education Level: 19.7 78.1 2.2 353
      < H S Graduate
      H S Graduate/GED 8.8 90.8 0.4 1,479
      Some college/Tech school 12.5 86.9 0.7 1,146
      College graduate 4.5 95.0 0.5 1,208
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 4
Marital Status: 4.0 95.2 0.8 2,479
      Unmarried 19.1 80.4 0.5 1,706
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 5
Employment Status: 7.7 91.5 0.8 2,981
      Not employed 16.6 83.4 0.0 240
      Student/Homemaker 19.7 79.7 0.6 503
      Retired/Unable to work 6.2 93.1 0.7 458
      Unk/Ref *** *** *** 8
Grand Totals 9.7 89.6 0.7 4,190

SOURCE: 2003 Indiana BRFSS Statewide Survey Data
NOTE:      Percents are based on weighted data; unless otherwise specified, totals are unweighted numbers.
                ***Asterisks indicate too few cases to calculate a reliable percent.

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