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Annual Inventory Recall/Reallocation

All textbooks and specialized aids and equipment loaned through the IERC are the property of the State of Indiana and are to be returned to the IERC when the student no longer needs the item(s). During the spring of each school year, the special education planning district/educational agency must indicate their intention to return or renew specific titles and/or materials.

It is particularly important that books and equipment, not in use, be returned to the IERC so other students may use them. Prompt return of materials will allow the IERC to effectively and efficiently reuse materials for eligible students and keep costs low.


Please complete the Inventory Return Form and enclose in each box returning to the IERC. If a textbook is missing volumes or equipment is missing pieces, please be sure to indicate this on the form. An APH parts list for equipment is available for download at APH Downloadable Parts Lists and Quick Start Sheets.

DO NOT PACK boxes over 40 lbs. Boxes weighing more than 40 lbs are too heavy to handle by the postal service, school mail personnel and IERC staff. They also break open during handling and contents may be lost or damaged.

Large print or Braille textbooks and specialized equipment may be returned to the IERC via the U.S. Postal Service at no cost if the package is labeled "Free Matter for the Blind". Download return free matter mailing labels  here . Please put a return address in the upper left corner, preferably with the VI teacher last name or school corporation.

If a student leaves the school system prior to the end of the school year, the student's materials must be returned to the IERC, not transferred with the student. The new school corporation will need to request materials for the student.

Renew/Reassign Items: Please report the action you plan to take for each item on loan not to be returned following the steps outlined below:

1. LOG IN to the IERC/AEM.

2. SELECT the appropriate school corporation in the drop down box.

3. SELECT “Renew/Reassign Items” under “Review Orders”.

  • To renew, click on Renew/Reassign. On the next page, click on Renew, then verify the item and submit.
  • To reassign, click on Renew/Reassign. On the next page, click on Reassign. Enter the Student’s STN number and the first two initials of the last name. Verify the student, then verify the item and submit.
  • To report items that are lost, destroyed, or consumed.
For MS Outlook Users:
To report an item as L/D (Lost/Destroyed) and C (Consumed) mark the appropriate box on the selected item and submit the email update to the IERC.
For Users of Email Systems other than MS Outlook:
Send an email to the IERC reporting on each item lost, destroyed or consumed. The email should include the Title/Item Name, ISBN/Cat.No. and Access Number (i.e. 100588 00 0004). Report each item as L/D (Lost/Destroyed) or C (Consumed).
  • If you received an email with a list of materials not originated by you, directions may be downloaded here . Please email with any questions.
No action is required if items will be returned.
Please return all items that are not renewed, reassigned, or marked lost/destroyed/consumed to the IERC by June 15th.
Annual Inventory Recall PDF