The IERC administers the Federal Quota dollars for the State of Indiana through the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) and registers all qualifying students, public and private.
Each year during the month of January, Authorized Officials or their Designees are asked to participate in an annual census of students who meet the definition of blindness per Indiana’s Article 7 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): an impairment in vision, that even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance (34 CFR ยง300.8(c)(13). The purpose of the registration is to enroll eligible students who meet the definition above to generate Federal Quota dollars. Find a template of a form for the eye care specialist for census.
For the State of Indiana to participate in the Federal "Act to Promote the Education of the Blind", the registration status of all students who are blind or low vision is reviewed annually. The American Printing House for the Blind (APH) administers the federal quota allocation for all states, including Indiana. Funds are appropriated by Congress to APH to produce specialized instructional materials to be used by students who are blind or low vision. The appropriated amount is then divided into separate accounts within each state according to the number of students who are reported in an annual registration.
Students must be enrolled in educational programs below the college level and have a parental consent form, in English or Spanish, on file at the local level in order to be eligible for inclusion on the list submitted by the IERC to APH. For additional information regarding the parental consent process, read our consent to release student information talking points, in English or Spanish as well a short FAQ, in English or Spanish . You may also access a 2020 APH letter, in English or Spanish , to share with parents, regarding the need for parental consent and how APH collects and uses the student data for the purposes of the Federal Quota program.
Schools or agencies may order, through the IERC, items available from APH federal quota allocation equal to the funds generated by the number of students registered each year. So long as funds are available within a given year, the IERC will honor any reasonable and legitimate request for APH material that is approved by the designated contact person. Items ordered with APH federal quota funds must originally be used by students who generated the dollars. Materials ordered with Federal Quota dollars are the property of the State of Indiana and must be returned to the IERC after the student is finished using them.
For more information regarding the federal quota, visit: APH Federal Quota Overview
Designee Federal Census
2025 Designee online Step-by-Step Guide and LEA Instructions.