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Site Trunking for the Dispatcher

Agencies using the IPSC system are most often doing so via either Wire Line Consoles or RF (Radio Frequency) Consoles.  Wire Line consoles are hooked directly into the system via T-1 telephone line connections to a Zone Controller (the “brain” for each zone).  RF consoles access the system via one or more radios that talk directly to one or more sites on one or more talkgroups.  Wire Line consoles are currently being used by all ISP Districts, Delaware County, Johnson County and Knox County.  The remaining user agencies use RF consoles in varying configurations.  Either option provides somewhat equal but different access to the system.

RF console configurations hook one or more radios to external antennas to access a site. The radio(s) are sometimes located beside the dispatcher, who can view and access it.  Radios are also often mounted in a rack in another room and thus out of dispatcher view.

Site Trunking will be evident to a dispatcher in different ways, depending on their individual console configuration.  A dispatcher using a Wire Line console will have no indication from their console that one or more sites in their area is in Site Trunking.  Remember, a Wire Line console is always connected directly to the Wide Area system and will always talk to users who are affiliated with sites in Wide Area.  It is recommended that Wire Line console users have at least one radio in their dispatch center to monitor local site conditions.  Conversely, a dispatcher using an RF console configuration may have an indication that the site that their radio is affiliated with is in Site Trunking, provided:

  1. They can physically see the radio(s), which will display a Site Trunking notification on the front of the radio, and/or
  2. The radio(s) is within hearing distance and the Site Trunking alert tones are turned on in that radio(s).