First Responder Training
National Traffic Incident Management
Why Take Traffic Incident Management Training - Why is it important ?
Injury crashes occur every minute in the United States, putting nearly 39,000 incident responders potentially in harm's way every day. Congestion from these incidents often generates secondary crashes, further increasing traveler delay and frustration. The longer incident responders remain at the scene, the greater the risk they, and the traveling public, face.
There is a need to provide Responders with Traffic Incident Management (TIM) training to clear traffic incidents in a safe, well-coordinated manner that also reduces congestion. A cadre of well-trained responders helps improve traffic incident response. Better incident response improves the safety of responders and drivers, reduces crashes that occur because of incident-related congestion, decreases traffic delays caused by incidents, and can cut incident response time.
National TIM (Traffic Incident Management) First Responder Training In-Person is available in 4 hour sessions. Click the link to our Traffic Incident Management Responder Training page for more information.
National TIM (Traffic Incident Management) ON-LINE Training is available for those who are unable to take the training IN-PERSON. On-line training is available through RESPONDERSAFETY.COM. Training from this site is acceptable by INDIANA - Send your Certificate to when Completed.
Training should be completed every 2 years.
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