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Connecting Every Corner of Indiana

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News and Updates

BEAD Subgrantee Selection

The IBO will open Round 1 of Subgrantee Selection for 45 days beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 30th, 2024. Applications will close at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025.

Open for 45 days from December 30th – February 12th (11:59 pm) (The application portal can be found here.)

Subgrantee Selection Guidance Document

The Subgrantee Selection Guidance Document outlines the Round 1 application process and essential program requirements.

Subgrantee Selection Guidance Document

Eligible Address List

The IBO received NTIA approval for Indiana's list of BEAD-eligible addresses. It serves as the foundation for identifying locations eligible for broadband funding during Subgrantee Selection.

Address List

Subgrantee Selection Webinar Slides and Replay

The IBO hosted two webinars on the Round 1 Subgrantee Selection application process and program requirements. The webinar slides and replay are viewable below.

Webinar Slides
Webinar Replay

Subgrantee Selection FAQ Document

The IBO prepared a FAQ document for Subgrantee Selection. It includes questions asked through emails and during the webinars.

FAQ Document

Connecting Indiana Broadband Map

Indiana's interactive Broadband Map is accessible on the Connecting Indiana website. It displays every broadband serviceable location in Indiana.

Indiana Broadband Map

Post-Challenge Process Location Status Guidance

New guidance has been released by the IBO on post challenge process location status. It includes key information on processes for addressing location status changes, evidence requirements, and compliance with program goals.

Post-Challenge Process Location Status Guidance

Alternative Technology Guidance

Additional guidance has been drafted to outline the IBO's process for accepting and evaluating Alternative Technology (alt-tech) applications during Subgrantee Selection.

Alternative Technology Guidance

Supplemental Resources

The IBO has made some additional resources available for ISPs submitting BEAD applications during Subgrantee Selection including a model letter of credit and a one pager detailing instructions on 20% ineligible locations in a project area.

Model Letter of Credit
20% Ineligible Locations One Pager

CostQuest License Instructions


The IBO has opened the pre-qualification for 31 days after the initial posting of pre-qualification guidance, on August 26, 2024. Prospective applicants will have this time after pre-qualification round begins to submit their materials

Open 31 days from August 26th – September 27th (11:59 pm)

Pre-Qualification Document


Frequently Asked Questions


Pre-Qualification Webinars

The IBO hosted two webinars for BEAD pre-qualification questions. There will also be 1:1 meetings available to interested internet service providers. If you sign up for a time slot, please come prepared with questions.

The webinar slide deck is available here. The recording of the first webinar can be found here.

IBO BEAD Initial Proposal Volume II Approved - The Indiana Broadband Office is pleased to announce the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has approved our BEAD Initial Proposal Volume II. Read NTIA's press release here. Indiana's entire Initial Proposal has now been approved.

NTIA Internet for All Logo

Rebuttal Phase Begins May 2nd

The Challenge Phase ended April 17, 2024. The Rebuttal Phase begins May 2nd, and will close June 1, 2024.

During the Rebuttal Phase, permissible challengers can provide rebuttal evidence against challenges that were submitted during the Challenge Phase and an opportunity for permissible challengers to correct any changes they believer were made in error or are incorrect.

Learn More

NTIA Internet for All Logo

Indiana’s Digital Equity Capacity Grant Allocation Announced by NTIA

The Indiana Broadband Office (IBO) is pleased to announce its tentative allocation of the Digital Equity Capacity Program funds available to Indiana is $15,096,770.19.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for this grant program on Friday March 29, 2024.

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BEAD IPv1 cover

BEAD Initial Proposal Volume I Approved

The Indiana Broadband Office is excited to announce it's Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program Initial Proposal Volume I has been approved by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

Read Press ReleaseDownload the Proposal

BEAD IPv1 cover

BEAD Initial Proposal Volume II Approved

The Indiana Broadband Office is excited to announce it's Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program Initial Proposal Volume II has been approved by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Indiana's entire Initial Proposal has now been approved.

The Indiana Broadband Office (IBO) has an updated version of Indiana’s Initial Proposal Volume 2 for the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. This updated version includes amendments submitted to the NTIA that provide additional guidance on the Subgrantee Selection Process, as well as clarifying language based on guidance released by NTIA after Indiana's Volume 2 approval. To ensure transparency, all revisions have been highlighted in yellow.

For questions regarding any of the changes, please email the IBO at

Read Press ReleaseDownload the Proposal

BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1

The Indiana Broadband Office is currently determining how BEAD funds will be spent in the state. The first step towards this planning is the drafting and submission of the Initial Proposal document.

View the Initial Proposal

BEAD 5-Year Action Plan

Five-Year Plan submitted to The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) detailing the current state of broadband in Indiana, the State’s vision of broadband, and how the State plans to execute this vision.

Download the Plan

BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2

This is the last step before submission of the Initial Proposal documents. We encourage Indiana residents, community organizations, businesses, local units of government, and other groups to review the document.

View the Initial Proposal

Connecting Indiana Speed Test

More Participation | More Accurate Data | Faster Funding

You can help Indiana Broadband identify gaps in broadband services by conducting internet speed tests. The more speed tests conducted by residents, the more accurate the data, which can lead to faster funding to communities that need broadband the most.

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