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Community Corrections Grant Overview
Authorizing Legislation: IC 11-12
First Year of Appropriation: 1979
Administering Agency: DOC Community Corrections Division
Program Components
The Community Corrections Division distributes to local jurisdictions who have established community supervision programs or residential services for adult offenders that are re-integrating into the community who, otherwise, would be incarcerated in local jails or state prisons.
- How Funds Are Distributed?
How Funds Are Distributed?
Eligible Entities
Award Type
Award Amounts
Award Period
Community Corrections & Justice Reinvestment Grants
Community Corrections
State Grant
Local Community Corrections Advisory Board prioritizes programs for counties. The Department reviews funding based on request and appropriation by the General Assembly
12 months
Problem Solving Courts
Probation Departments
Jail Treatment Programs
Prosecutor’s Diversion
- Who Can Apply for Funding?
Who Can Apply for Funding?
Programs established by a Community Corrections Advisory Board for the:
- Operations of a Community Corrections Entity
- Operations of a Court Recidivism Reduction Program (Problem-Solving Court)
Grant funds are also available to provide support or supplemental funding to:
- Probation Departments
- Pretrial Services
- Jail Treatment Programs
- Prosecutor’s Diversion Programs
Each entity provides a description of the intended programs, supervision, and services as well as a detailed budget outlining the funding request. The Advisory Board must prioritize funding requests to the above eligible entities. In addition to providing a description of the proposed programs and services, a plan of collaboration is also required. The collaboration plan includes a description of the evidence-based services available and how the county will coordinate access to those services in a manner that reduces duplication and expands the availability services, treatment, and programs that is cost-effective.
- Funding Recommendations and Awards
Funding Recommendations and Awards
Each year, the division releases a Notification of Funding Awards (NOFA) which serves as an grant application announcement and program guidelines. Within it, there are details that outline the eligibility criteria, grant process, requirements, and other critical information specific to the grant funding.
Grant funding is reviewed on an annual basis through the grant approval process. There are four primary steps to approval:
1. Grant applications and prioritization of funding must occur from the Community Corrections Advisory Board prior to application submissions to the Department. It is important to know that applying for funding does not guarantee a funding award from Indiana Department of Correction.
2. The grant application is reviewed and scored by IDOC Program Directors. The Program Directors contact grantees for any missing information and request clarification of the proposal if needed.
During the recommendation process, IDOC collaborates and reviews applications with:
- The Indiana Office of Court Services for Probation, Problem Solving Courts, and Pre-Trial Services entities
- The Department of Mental Health and Addiction for Jail Treatment entities
- Indiana Prosecuting Attorney’s Council for Prosecutor’s Diversion entities
3. Once the application review process is completed, grant funding award recommendations are presented to the Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC) as a public document. The Council provides additional input and guidance on grant funding award recommendations.
4. Awarded amounts recommended by JRAC will then be taken to the Indiana Department of Correction’s Commissioner for final approval.
- Grants Management & Requirements
Grants Management & Requirements
Prior to applying, program requirements will be outlined in the Notification of Funding Awards.
Once awarded, grantees are expected to adhere to the Grant Procedural Manual. Each grantee is assigned a Regional Program Director. Their primary role is to ensure compliance with your program plan, special conditions, legal requirements and review progress and financial reports. Your Program Director is also a resource for both technical and programmatic information.
- Principles of the Community Corrections and Justice Reinvestment Grant Funding
Principles of the Community Corrections and Justice Reinvestment Grant Funding
Collaborative Approach to Criminal Justice
Utilized Data Driven Outcomes to Drive Policy Decisions
Targets programs, services, and treatments through research based strategies
Prioritizes funding to programs with demonstrated results and saves tax payer dollars by providing alternatives to incarceration
Increases Public Safety by supporting programming that reduces recidivism
Additional Community Corrections Supervision Programs
The Community Corrections Division is a unit under the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) Re-Entry and Youth Services Division. The division provides state aid through the Community Corrections and Justice Reinvestment Funding as an annual grant under IC 11-12 and administers the Community Transition Program.