Travel Services
The IDOA Training Team is prioritizing training updates in 2025. As we’re updating content, you may find conflicting information between training resources.
If you have any questions, contact your agency Travel Administrator. If questions remain, please email for assistance.
The IDOA Travel Management Office
- Assists state employees with business travel arrangements
- Enforces state travel rules and regulations
- Works to minimize state business travel costs
- Drafts and implements policies for state employee travel
IDOA has contracted with Corporate Travel Management (CTM) to provide travel services to the state.
Make a Reservation:
Login using the ID and password provided to you by CTM. If login information was not provided, you may register a new profile through the site.
Note: The state incurs a usage fee for any reservation made online through GetThere or offline through CTM’s representatives. Out-of-state travel must be arranged through one of these methods. However, for in-state travel, hotel reservations of less than 10 rooms can be made directly with the hotels.
Group Reservations
All reservations of 10 or more rooms must go through CTM, when the State is covering the costs of the rooms. To begin this process, complete the Group Hotel Request Form in the "Resources" section of the CTM website. The submission will be sent to CTM, whose staff will begin a request for quote process with hotels meeting your criteria. Once the requesting agency reviews the responses and chooses a hotel, the agency is to complete a contract with the awarded hotel, using the State’s contract for services boilerplate. For any questions on this process, please contact
The two profile types in GetThere are planners and travelers.
- Planners are able to make reservations on behalf of those whose profiles are linked to theirs
- Travelers are only able to make reservations for themselves
There are no limitations on the number of profiles the state may create, and all profiles are permanent until actively deleted. Anyone can create a traveler profile by registering an account on the GetThere Indiana homepage. To link a new traveler account to its appropriate planner(s), be sure to complete the travel planner fields at the bottom of the registration form. CTM will take this submission, find the planner profiles associated with the names provided and link the new traveler to that planner, or planners.
Out of State Travel
All out-of-state business travel by state employees, board and commission members, persons under contract with the state, and all others seeking state travel reimbursement must be reviewed and approved by the Travel Management Office. Those seeking to travel out of state must complete the Authorization for Out of State Travel form.
Travel Expense Reimbursement Rates
- Meal Per Diem
Effective September 4, 2022
Overnight Meal Per Diem / Subsistence
Departure before 12:00 PM
$41.00 In-State | $52.00 Out of State
Departure between 12:00 PM and 4:30PM
$20.50 In-State | $26.00 Out of State
Departure after 4:30 PM
Return before 12:00 PM, but after 7:30 AM
$20.50 In-State | $26.00 Out of State
Return after 12:00 PM
$41.00 In-State | $52.00 Out of State
*No subsistence is paid for travel segment that are less than 7 1/2 hours. Subsistence may not be claimed for same day travel. Overnight travel must be involved in order to claim subsistence.Meals Provided Deduction
If a meal is provided, no subsistence shall be claimed for that meal and the meal is to be deducted as follows:
- Breakfast
$10.25 In-State | $13.00 Out of State - Lunch
$10.25 In-State | $13.00 Out of State - Dinner$20.50 In-State | $26.00 Out of State
The State of Indiana must not pay for a person's meals more than once. This includes, but is not limited to, meals included in registration fees or by hotels in the room charge. If a person in travel status received a meal without charge, then the subsistence allowance must be reduced. However, no deductions from subsistence shall be taken for continental breakfasts or meals served on airplanes.
Overnight Per Diem/Subsistence for Other Countries
Travel to Specific Countries divide by four (4), one quarter is to be claimed for Breakfast, one quarter for Lunch and the remaining half (½) for Dinner.
Other countries outside USA are to be claimed at fifty dollars ($52.00), with the same departure and return times in the chart above applied. An original paid lodging bill is required to claim subsistence for over-night travel.
Specific Country Daily Rates include:
- Japan = $90.00
- Korea and Taiwan = $85.00
- China, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Singapore = $65.00
- Breakfast
- In-State Lodging
Effective October 1, 2024
Standard Rate
(All locations without specified rates)$110.00
Lafayette/West Lafayette
Note: Taxes should be paid and reimbursed if in-State lodging is secured using a personal credit card. In-State lodging transactions using the State’s travel card program are tax exempt.
Department of Revenue’s Informational Bulletin 41
Sales and County Tax Exemption Department of Revenue Memorandum | (.pdf) - Mileage
Effective June 15, 2022
.49 cents/mile
(for all business miles driven)- Rent vs. Reimbursement Memo | (.pdf)
- Rent vs. Reimbursement Calculator
- Instructions for Rent vs. Reimbursement Calculator | (.pdf)
- Enterprise Car Rental
- Enterprise Daily Vehicle Leasing QPA
- Vehicle Rental User Guide and Rates | (.pdf)
- Indianapolis Airport Parking
maximum base rate
(If the facility charges airport fees and gas surcharges those may be reimbursed with an itemized receipt)
Downtown Rental Car Parking
When renting from the downtown Indianapolis Enterprise branch, employees are allowed to park personal vehicles in the State-owned parking facilities for the duration of their trip. Rental vehicles and State-owned vehicles should not be parked in State-owned parking facilities over night without permission from IDOA Parking Services.
Enterprise provides shuttle services to and from its rental office and the Government Center Campus. Travelers should call Enterprise at (317) 635-4340 no less than 1 hour prior to their reservation time to request and confirm pick-up.
IDOA Parking Services
All forms must be submitted to the IDOA Travel Office for approval. Incomplete forms may be delayed or may be returned to the submitting employee for completion.
Instructions for Completing SF-823 Authorization/Request for Out of State Travel | (.pdf)
Instructions for Submitting SF-823 to IDOA | (.pdf)
Authorization for Out of State Travel SF-823 | (.xls) | (.pdf)
All state employees who are scheduled to travel outside of Indiana on state business must complete an Authorization for Out of State Travel form prior to their departure (State Form 823). The form outlines the employees expected itinerary as well as estimated travel expenses. Instructions detailing how this form should be completed are available above. Although the five-part carbon set form is no longer required, the document (State Form 823 i.e “G-10”) must be provided with original signature with all supporting documentation, as required by policy, and submitted for approval. Original signatures are required in IDOA files, but are not required in your agency records.
Travel Voucher | SF 980
A Travel Voucher must be submitted after a state employee returns from business-related state travel. The travel voucher enables the employee to recoup actual travel-related expenses and enables the state to attribute those expenses to the appropriate state account. To ensure the ability to use the Account column dropdown option, please save the file type as Excel Workbook (*.xlsx).
Certification for Missing Receipt | SF 42275
The Certification for Missing Receipt form enables state employees who have traveled on behalf of the state to apply for reimbursement without a substantiating receipt.