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Local Recognition of Source Water Protection Efforts

Recognizing businesses, land users, individuals, and groups that are working to protect source water in your community can highlight practices you want others to emulate and encourage others to keep up the good work. A little recognition goes a long way and can help make your other wellhead protection efforts have a greater impact by bringing source water protection into the public eye.

Some recognition ideas include:

  • Install signs ("Entering WHPA") may create awareness. Signs can be acquired through the Indiana Department of Transportation.
  • Become a Hoosier Water Guardian
  • Participate in IDEM's CLEAN Community Challenge
  • Provide recognition for "Environmentally Friendly Practices or Businesses"
    • Plaques, flags, signs, door stickers, logos for websites, buttons for employees
    • Signs for fences adjacent to crops

IDEM has resources available to assist and encourage regulated businesses in their efforts to protect Indiana’s environment:

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