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ICHLA Overview


Photo of ICHLA Commissioners

Mission Statement

ICHLA's Mission Statement


The Indiana Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs (ICHLA) is a non-partisan state agency working toward economic, educational, and social equity for all Hispanic and Latinx Hoosiers, including promoting cooperation and understanding.

The Commission identifies, measures and reviews programs and legislation, and researches challenges and opportunities affecting the Hispanic/Latinx community, The Commission identifies solutions and provides recommendations to the governor and legislature.

Declaración de Misión


La Comisión de Asuntos Hispanos y Latin@s de Indiana (ICHLA) es una agencia independiente del estado que trabaja hacia la equidad económica, educativa y social para Hoosiers Hispanos y Latinxs.

Identificamos varios problemas y temas que la Comisión debe abordar. Colaboramos con individuos y organizaciones que se alinean con nuestra misión. Ayudamos a las comunidades Hispanas/Latinxs con lo mejor de nuestra capacidad. Escuchamos a las comunidades sobre los desafíos que enfrentan. Abogamos por un mejor desarrollo en las personas Hispanas/Latinxs en todo el estado.

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Text reading
ICHLA Vision Statement: Identifying various issues and topics for the Commission to address, Collaborating with individuals  and organizations  that align with our mission, Helping  the Hispanic/Latino community to the best of our ability, Listening to the community on what challenges they are facing, Advocatingfor the further advancement of Hispanic/Latinx people statewide

2023 Annual Report

ICHLA uses information and data collected from the Community Survey to write legislation recommendations and the annual report.

2023 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report next to ICHLA logo
  • Executive Director

  • Meetings & Minutes

  • Letters of Recommendation

  • Community Survey


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