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Table 3a
Terminated Pregnancies by Age and Education Level:
Indiana OCCURRENCES, 2001

  Education Level
Age < HS HS > HS Unknown Total
  Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
10-14 62 3.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 0.3 68 0.6
15-17 514 30.6 52 0.9 0 0.0 74 4.0 640 5.4
18-19 254 15.1 736 12.9 148 5.6 192 10.4 1,330 11.2
20-24 464 27.6 2,197 38.6 953 35.8 695 37.8 4,309 36.3
25-29 214 12.7 1,258 22.1 682 25.6 439 23.8 2,593 21.8
30-34 86 5.1 775 13.6 463 17.4 214 11.6 1,538 13.0
35-39 40 2.4 415 7.3 261 9.8 138 7.5 854 7.2
40-44 20 1.2 169 3.0 95 3.6 27 1.5 311 2.6
45+ 2 0.1 8 0.1 8 0.3 2 0.1 20 0.2
Unknown 25 1.5 79 1.4 52 2.0 54 2.9 210 1.8
Total 1,681 100.0 5,689 100.0 2,662 100.0 1,841 100.0 11,873 100.0

Source: Indiana State Department of Health, Epidemiology Resource Center, Data Analysis Team, May 2003.
    1. HS = High School.
    2. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
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This table run on August 28, 2003.

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