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2000 Indiana Report of Infectious Diseases


View Quick Facts on Mumps

Cases = 2

Two cases of mumps were reported to the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) during 2000, compared to five cases in 1999. The two cases occurred in persons ages 10 and 40. One of the cases (40-year-old) was laboratory confirmed by positive IgM serology. The second case (10-year-old) met the case definition for mumps, but no serological analysis was performed. The 10-year-old had received one dose of mumps-containing vaccine, and the 40-year-old had no recollection of disease or vaccine history. There was no evidence of transmission from either case. 

Since 1991, a mean of 8 cases of mumps has been reported each year in Indiana. Figure Mumps1 depicts the number of cases of mumps in Indiana by year from 1991-2000.

Because of the difficulty in distinguishing mumps from other forms of parotitis, IgM mumps specific serologic testing is recommended on all sporadic cases. The specimen should be drawn at least three days after the onset of parotitis. In 2000, 28 potential cases of mumps were reported/ investigated and classified as follows: 1) One case was serologically confirmed as mumps; 2) one case was ruled a probable case by meeting the case definition; 3) 26 cases were ruled out by serological analysis; and 4) two other cases did not have serological analysis performed, but were ruled out, as they did not meet the case definition for mumps.

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Figure Mumps1: Mumps Incidence, Indiana, 1991-2000

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