Home Buyer’s Asthma Trigger Checklist









Is there carpet?



Consider hard-surface flooring when possible

  • Is the carpet new?



  • If not new, when was the last time the caret was professionally cleaned?



  • What type of flooring is under carpeting (e.g., plywood, hardwood)




Mold and Moisture




Are there any water stains on the ceiling, walls, or floor?




  • Is there visible mold?



  • Is there a musty or earthy odor?



Is the property located in a flood plain?




Has the house ever experienced flood damage?




  • When did the flood occur?



  • How many floods have occurred?



If there is a basement, do the walls or ceiling have water marks, signs of mold, or cracks in the foundation?




Are there any water stains under sinks in bathroom/s or kitchen?




  • If yes, are the pipes still leaking?



  • Is there visible mold?



Is there condensation on any of the windows?




Do all of the windows open?




  • Are the screens on the windows in good shape?



Ventilation Systems




Does the heating system work properly?




  • When was the last time it was professionally inspected?



  • When was the last time the ductwork was cleaned?



  • Does the heating system use filters?



  • How often are the filters replaced?



Does the house have a working central cooling system?



Mold can grow on coils & dust collect in ductwork

  • If yes, when was the last time the coils and ductwork were cleaned?



Home Buyer’s Asthma Trigger Checklist





Ventilation Systems - continued




If the house does not have central air conditioning, is there a working window unit air conditioner?




  • Are there water stains or dampness on the windowsill, walls, or carpet under the window unit?



Is there a woodstove or fireplace?




  • If yes, when was the last time the chimney was cleaned?



Is there a working exhaust fan in the bathroom?








Are there any signs of cockroaches or mice (such as droppings or dead specimens)?




Are there any cracks around the foundation, windows or doors (where pest can enter)?








How old is the roof?




Has the roof ever been replaced (including plywood)?




  • If yes, when?



Are there any problems or leaks in the roof?




How many layers of shingles are on the roof?




Outdoor Environment




Is the house located in an urban area?



Air pollution, which tends to be worse in urban areas, can make asthma symptoms worse and occur more often

  • If yes, is there heavy industry that releases air pollution located near the house?





Is the house located in a rural area?



Heavy applications of pesticides on crop fields can make asthma symptoms worse and occur

  • If yes, is the house located next to farm fields where pesticides are widely used?