Indiana State Department of Health
Created on: 11/14/2024 Posted to the Web on: 11/27/2024 INTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITY (ICF) CONSUMER REPORT
11/20/2023 Most Recent | 9/30/2022 2nd Most Recent | 5/27/2021 3rd Most Recent | |
Number of Deficiencies | 8 | 6 | 6 |
State Average for the year of the survey (rounded to nearest whole integer.) | 6 | 6 | 5 |
Type of Change | 11/20/2023 Most Recent | 9/30/2022 2nd Most Recent | 5/27/2021 3rd Most Recent |
Ownership Change | No | No | No |
Administrator Change | No | No | No |
Any person may file a complaint with the ISDH about an ICF. The ISDH investigates all complaints. If in the course of the investigation a violation of state or federal rules or regulations is found by surveyors, the complaint is said 'to be substantiated with findings.' If the surveyor verifies the facts of the complaint but finds that no violation occurred of state rules or federal regulations, the complaint is said to be 'substantiated without findings.' If deficiencies are cited on a complaint survey, the ICF may be requested by the ISDH to complete a plan of correction on how and when they will correct each deficiency and who will be responsible to ensure the corrections are made and will not reoccur in the future. The plan of correction is generally submitted by the ICF and reviewed by the ISDH within fifteen (15) days of the survey. The following is a summary of the number of substantiated complaint investigations for the past three years. This only indicates whether the complaint was substantiated and does not indicate whether the ICF was found in compliance with state rules or federal regulations.
Current Year | 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2023 | 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
Federal Medicare certification surveys are conducted to determine ICF compliance with the Federal Conditions of Participation. For non-accredited federally certified ICF's, a federal Medicare certification survey is completed annually. A federal certification survey may also be completed if the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finds the ICF to be out of compliance with a federal condition of participation and CMS requests that a certification survey be completed. The table below is a summary of the most recent federal certification survey.
Date of Last Federal Certification Survey | 11/20/2023 |
Number of Standards not in compliance during the last federal certification survey | 1 |
Number of Conditions not in compliance during the last federal certification survey | 0 |
The following is a list of state licensure, complaint, and federal surveys completed at the ICF in the past five years.The survey report is not posted until the report has been provided to the facility and their plan of correction submitted and approved, if required. The survey report therefore will likely not be posted until four to six weeks after the exit date. In the grid below click on an event ID that is underlined to see the survey report for that event.
Event ID | Survey Type | Exit Date |
KMB623 | Recertification, Follow Up, Life Safety Code | 8/29/2024 |
KMB622 | Recertification, Follow Up, Life Safety Code | 6/6/2024 |
KMB612 | Recertification, Complaint, Follow Up, State Licensure | 2/23/2024 |
0BX911 | Complaint | 2/23/2024 |
KMB621 | Recertification, Life Safety Code | 12/20/2023 |
KMB611 | Recertification, Complaint, State Licensure | 11/20/2023 |
LD9H22 | Recertification, Follow Up, Life Safety Code | 12/8/2022 |
LD9H21 | Recertification, Life Safety Code | 10/31/2022 |
LD9H11 | Recertification, Complaint, State Licensure | 9/30/2022 |
0IUR24 | Recertification, Follow Up, Life Safety Code | 5/9/2022 |
0IUR23 | Recertification, Follow Up, Life Safety Code | 2/7/2022 |
0IUR22 | Recertification, Follow Up, Life Safety Code | 12/15/2021 |
0IUR21 | Recertification, Life Safety Code | 6/14/2021 |
0IUR11 | Recertification, State Licensure, Other | 5/27/2021 |
P1HU12 | Complaint, Follow Up | 2/5/2021 |
P1HU11 | Complaint, Other | 12/21/2020 |
B4IM21 | Recertification, Life Safety Code | 3/5/2020 |
B4IM11 | Recertification, State Licensure | 1/8/2020 |