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HCBS Waiver Waiting List Information

The PathWays Waiver for individuals aged 60 and older and the Health and Wellness Waiver for individuals 59 and younger provide home and community-based services to eligible Hoosiers who need nursing facility level of care. Per the federal approvals, 55,000 total slots are available split between the two waivers. A slot can only be used by one person during the July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, waiver year and cannot be re-used by a different person if a member no longer needs services, for example if the individual moved out of state. Family and Social Services Administration reached its approved capacity for the prior waiver year in April 2024 and implemented a waiting list.

When the new waiver year began on July 1, FSSA began inviting a group of individuals from the Health and Wellness Waiver and PathWays Waiver waiting lists each month as long as capacity remains. Based on the number of slots, the number of people on the waiting list, and the steps that must be taken, FSSA has increased the number of monthly invitations effective October 2024:

  • 500 individuals per month to the Health and Wellness Waiver (previously 125)
  • 1200 individuals per month to the PathWays Waiver (previously 800)

These estimates are based on the steps that must be taken following invitation, with the goal of allowing eligible members to access services as quickly as possible. For example, face-to-face level of care assessments must be completed, and functional eligibility and Medicaid eligibility must be determined. Individuals invited to proceed will receive a letter with further details.

The information below shows the number of individuals invited each month from the waiting list. For additional resources visit the Medicaid Strategies page here.

As of October 2024, there are 13,598 individuals on the waiting list including 4,634 on the Health and Wellness Waiver waiting list and 8,964 on the PathWays Waiver waiting list.

Health and Wellness Waiver

  Priority Status  
Month Transition from Nursing Facility Discharge from Hospital Transition from CHOICE Invited Based on Date of Application Total Invitations Sent*
July 2024 42 17 18 58 135
August 2024 6 12 13 102 133
September 2024680120134
October 202414139464500
Total for Waiver Year
(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)
68 50 40 744 902

* Total invitations sent each month were increased to 500 in October 2024 and include slots planned for release plus slots that were declined or otherwise not utilized.

PathWays Waiver

Note: No waiting list exists for the overall PathWays program, only individuals eligible for waiver services under PathWays are placed on the waiting list.

  Priority Status  
Month Transition from Nursing Facility Discharge from Hospital Transition from CHOICE Invited Based on Date of Application Total Invitations Sent*
July 2024 161 19 103 573 856
August 2024 13 16 24 819 872
September 20241999872908
October 20246734781,0861,200
Total for Waiver Year
(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)
260 78 149 3,350 3,836

* Total invitations sent each month were increased to 1,200 in October 2024 and  include the slots planned for release plus slots that were declined or otherwise not utilized

Last updated: 10/10/2024