About each waiver
Health and Wellness Waiver - The Health and Wellness Waiver, formerly the Aged and Disabled Waiver, provides an alternative to nursing facility admission for individuals 59 and younger with a disability. The waiver is designed to provide services to supplement informal supports for individuals who would require care in a nursing facility if waiver or other supports were not available. Waiver services can be used to help individuals remain in their own homes, as well as assist individuals living in nursing facilities return to community settings such as their own homes, apartments, assisted living or adult family care.
Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver - The Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver’s goal is to ensure that individuals with a traumatic brain injury receive appropriate services based on their needs and the needs of their families. The TBI Waiver provides home and community-based services to individuals who, but for the provision of such services, would require institutional care.
Examples of waiver services
- Adult day services
- Adult family care
- Assisted living
- Attendant care
- Behavior management/ behavior program and counseling
- Care management
- Home & community assistance
- Home-delivered meals
- Home modifications
- Nonmedical transportation
- Nutritional supplements
- Pest control
- Residential-based habilitation (TBI only)
- Respite services
- Specialized medical equipment and supplies
- Structured day program
- Structured family caregiving
- Supported employment
- Vehicle modifications
How to apply
To apply for the Health and Wellness Waiver or Traumatic Brian Injury Waiver please contact your local Area Agency on Aging. To find your local AAA please call 800-713-9023 or click here.
- July 10 - Welcome to BDS, FSW Priority Criteria, Age-In Transition Process for Pathways, How to Stay Connected
- Schedule of webinars: FSSA hosting informational sessions for Aged and Disabled Waiver members, families Apr. 24,2024
- June 26 - Waiver eligibility, Offering Choice, Transportation, Home Health and Structured Family Caregiving, and Myth Busters
- Family webinars to continue, June 24,2024
- June 12 - Waiver Amendments, Waivers - Using Integrated Supports, Medicaid State Plan – Therapy Services, Waiver Services – Person-Centered Support Plan requirements, Service Plan Reviews, Myth Busters
- May 29 - Waivers – Important to, Important for, and Person-Centered Service Plan, Waiver Services Highlight – Attendant Care and Transportation, Medicaid State Plan – Durable Medical Equipment, Service Plan Reviews, Myth Busters
- May 15 - Overview of Waivers, Waiver Services Highlight – Skilled Respite, Medicaid State Plan – EPSDT and available services, Service Plan Reviews, Myth BustersMay 1 - Overview of Transition, Waiver Services Highlight - ATTC & SFC, Medicaid State Plan - Home Health overview, Service Plan Review, Waiting List, Role of Care Manager
- May 1 - Overview of Transition, Waiver Services Highlight - ATTC & SFC, Medicaid State Plan - Home Health overview, Service Plan Review, Waiting List, Role of Care Manager
Health and Wellness waitlist, statics and resources
In April 2024, FSSA established a waiting list for the former Aged and Disabled Waiver, now the Health and Wellness Waiver.
- Waitlist statistics
- Waitlist Resources
- Sample invitation letter – will send over
- H&W Waiver Waiting Checklist (7/12/2024)
- PathWays Waiver Waiting List Process (7/12/2024)
- FSSA Updates its Waiver Invitation Process FAQ's (2/12/2025)
- Waiver Waiting List Initiation FAQ (8/13/2024)
- July 17 newsletter
- July 3 newsletter
- June 19 newsletter
- June 3 newslette
- May 20 newsletter
- May 8 newsletter
- Medicaid State Health Plan vs Medicaid Waiver Services
- Health and Wellness Waiver Fact Sheet
- Traumatic Brain Injury Fact Sheet
- New H&W/TBI announcement click here.
- Announcements prior to July 2024 please click here.