Due to TAA program expiration on 6/30/2022, the TAA benefits and services previously available may have changed or are no longer available. If you have received notification that you are eligible for the TAA program benefits and services, please reach out to your local WorkOne office to verify your eligibility and current status of the TAA program.
Training Assistance
The TAA program assists eligible workers to re-train in high wage- high demand careers. Training assistance through the TAA program pays 100% of all required training costs; including: tuition, books, fees, and required materials/supplies.
Approved training programs may include:
Classroom Training
* Occupational skills training (technical certificates, Associates degrees, Bachelor’s degrees, etc.)
* Remedial training and Pre-requisite training (Adult Basic Education, High School Equivalency, etc.)
* Distance learning (online coursework)
Employer-Based Training
* On-the-job training (OJT)
* Customized training
* Apprenticeship training
Individuals interested in applying for TAA training assistance must engage with a WorkOne TAA case manager. To get started, locate your local WorkOne Center/American Job Center (AJC).
Job Search Assistance
Income Support
Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA)
Individuals who plan to participate or who are actively participating in full-time TAA-approved training may be eligible to receive up to an additional 104-weeks of income support, if enrolled within 26-weeks of the TAA certification or individual separation date, whichever is later.
Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
TAA participants age 50 or older who gain re-employment making less than their separation wage may be eligible for the RTAA benefit. RTAA is a wage subsidy that provides 50% of the difference between the separation wage and reemployment wage up to $10,000 or two-years, whichever occurs first.
Individuals interested in applying for TAA income support must engage with a WorkOne TAA case manager. To get started, locate your local WorkOne Center/American Job Center (AJC) .
Participant Resources
The below documents should assist current TAA participant in navigating and understanding their TAA program services and benefits.
Want to learn more about the TAA program benefits? The TAA Online Orientation below will provide a brief overview of the TAA benefits and services, such as training, income support, job search and relocation assistance, the healthcare tax credit, and WorkOne case management services.