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Public Commission Admonitions

Under Admission and Discipline Rule 25VIII E(7), the Commission may, in its discretion and with the judge's consent, resolve a misconduct case in which the members have voted to file disciplinary charges by publicly issuing a Commission Admonition in lieu of filing charges. The Commission has issued the following public admonitions:

May 17, 2024Public Admonition of Rex KepnerBenton Circuit Court
July 3, 2023Public Admonition of Judge Donald J. DavisHancock Superior Court
July 1, 2022Public Admonition of Referee Barbara JohnstonSt. Joseph Probate Court
November 8, 2021Public Admonition of the Honorable Christopher A. BuckleyLowell Town Court
December 29, 2017Public Admonition of the Honorable Timothy B. DayDecatur Circuit Court
June 28, 2017Public Admonition of the Honorable John N. BarryBlackford Superior Court
February 9, 2015Public Admonition of the Honorable Martha C. Hagerty (2015)Fremont Town Court
November 19, 2012Public Admonition of the Honorable Martha C. Hagerty (2012)Fremont Town Court
July 5, 2012Public Admonition of Magistrate Barbara JohnstonSt. Joseph Probate Court
November 29, 2011Public Admonition of the Honorable Rebekah F. Pierson-TreacyMarion Superior Court
May 5, 2011Public Admonition of the Honorable Charles W. HunterBeech Grove City Court
January 26, 2010Public Admonition of the Honorable Brian M. PierceDelaware Circuit Court
June 22, 2009Public Admonition of the Honorable Roger L. HuizengaWalkerton Town Court
January 20, 2009Public Admonition of the Honorable Daniel C. BaninaMiami Superior Court
September 18, 2008Public Admonition of the Honorable Stephen M. JessupHoward Superior Court 2
May 27, 2008Public Admonition of the Honorable Donald CurrieCarroll Circuit Court
October 17, 2005Public Admonition of the Honorable Christopher B. HaileMarion Superior Court, Civil Division 11
June 30, 2005Public Admonition of the Honorable Thomas Newman, Jr.Madison Superior Court 3
August 11, 2003Public Admonition of the Honorable Veronica M. RobyElwood City Court
March 21, 2003Public Admonition of the Honorable J. Steven CoxFranklin Circuit Court
December 17, 2002Public Admonition of the Honorable Kenneth ScheibenbergerAllen Superior Court
August 22, 2002Public Admonition of the Honorable Webster L. BrewerSenior Judge in the Marion Superior Court
December 28, 1999

Public Admonition of the Honorable Fredrick R. Spencer

Madison Circuit Court
July 8, 1999Public Admonition of the Honorable James Funke, Jr.Jennings Superior Court
December 31, 1997Public Admonition of the Honorable David EvrardPerry Circuit Court
June 13, 1997Public Admonition of the Honorable James E. LetsingerLake Superior Court
July 10, 1996Public Admonition of the Honorable Myron BarnardPerry Township Small Claims Court
June 11, 1996Public Admonition of the Honorable Donald C. JohnsonTippecanoe Superior Court 1
May 10, 1993Public Admonition of the Honorable Kenneth L. Lopp and Carlton E. SandersCrawford Circuit Court
Harrison Superior Court
June 26, 1992Public Admonition of Dexter L. BolinVigo Circuit Court

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