Lawyers give back: Pro bono contributions by Indiana attorneys in 2021 8,199 attorneys (53%) contributed time and/or money to pro bono legal services. Of the 15,333 lawyers who reported their pro bono data for 2021, 7,134 attorneys reported no contributions of money or hours. Attorneys provided 273,073 hours of legal work at no charge, and another 202,676 hours at a reduced rate. Lawyers made $1.46 million in monetary contributions in 2021. Over time, monetary contributions have varied from about $775k in 2015 to as high as $1.55 million in 2019. Return on investment: Chief Justice Loretta Rush said, in her 2019 State of the Judiciary Address, that "an Indiana Economic Impact Study showed that for every one dollar invested in legal aid, nearly seven dollars goes back into the economny." Source of the data: This data, current as of Feb. 22, 2023, was self-reported by 22,159 attorneys licensed in Indiana during annual attorney registration. 6,826 attorneys were exempt from reporting because—as judicial officers, government employees, or retired/inactive attorneys—they cannot provide pro bono services.