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Special Exception Permits

When to Apply for a Special Exception Permit

There are many uses that require a Special Exception Permit in certain zones. Please see the Schedule of Uses for a listing of allowed uses and uses that require a Special Exception Permit.

The following uses have additional conditions before a Special Exception Permit can be granted:

  • Animal hospitals, veterinary clinics, animal boarding places, kennels, and animal shelters/rescues
  • Antique shop
  • Boarding and/or rooming house
  • Day care facility or home
  • Sanitary landfills and incinerators
  • Hospital, nursing home, sanitarium, asylum or other institution which cares for mental, drug or alcoholic patients, or is a penal or correctional institution
  • Limited office uses in residential zones as a transitional use
  • Private recreational establishments and uses
  • Special uses allied with agriculture
  • Sand, gravel or clay pits; rock or stone quarries; coal mining; removal of earth or top soil; coal storage, loading and handling facilities
  • Sawmill
  • Manufactured home parks
  • Camp grounds
  • Community unit projects
  • Recreational vehicles for longer than 180 days

The filing fee for a Special Exception Permit is $100.00 and you will be required to appear at a public hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals.

PLEASE NOTE: This information is just a very brief summary of the Special Exception section of the Zoning Ordinance. There may be additional restrictions and/or requirements that you will need to follow depending on your location and use. Please call me at (812) 649-6010 or email me at for more specific information.