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Schedule of Uses and Zoning Map Definitions

Definitions for Spencer County Zoning Map

(A) Agriculture --- The areas zoned agricultural be preserved for agricultural uses, which uses include, but are not limited to, production of crops, animal husbandry, land application of animal waste, the raising , breeding and sale of livestock and poultry, including confinement feeding operations, use of farm machinery and the sale of farm products.

(R-1) Residential Zone --- This area is preserved for the use of single family dwellings. Accessory buildings, swimming pools and uses customarily incidental to single family use are permitted.

(R-2) Residential Zone --- Multi-Family buildings. Some changes in yard space and parking requirements and other design modifications when compared to single family zoning requirements.

(B-1) Neighborhood Business Zone --- Business that provided services and supplies to a local neighborhood. Examples: Accounting office, beauty parlor, dental clinic, grocery store, tire store, etc.

(B-2) Rural Business Zone --- Business that provide services requiring more space for parking and noise control etc. Examples: Auction hall, amusement enterprise, including billiard and pool hall, shooting gallery, drive-in restaurant, food store etc. Requirements on set backs from streets, homes and other business are increased and sometimes specific to particular business. May be necessary to provide screening and privacy fences for neighbors

(B-3) General Business Zone --- In this area some light manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution of products can be promoted. Examples: Carpenter, cabinet, plumbing and metal fabricating shops, pawnshops, contractor's equipment yard and freight terminal.

(I-1) Light Industrial Zone --- Manufacturing and assembly of larger products can be established in this zone. Example: processing and packaging of fish, meat product, vinegar, automobile assembly, tire retreading, breweries stone cutting. There are several restrictions on distance from neighbors and other business.

(I-2) Heavy Industrial Zone --- Production of products that create noise, vapors or other side effects that are unpleasant or require close supervision by governmental agencies. Examples: Paint manufacturing, coal distillation, electric power generation, railroad yard, incinerator.