When to Apply for a Contingent Use Permit
The following uses require a Contingent Use Permit:
- Airport or similarly designed area for the landing and taking off of aircraft
- Cemetery
- Government installation not otherwise permitted
- A hospital, nursing home, sanitarium or asylum which does not treat mental, drug, or alcoholic patients
- Medical health center or clinic
- Public utility facilities
- Educational institution, including churches
- Fairground
- Transient amusement enterprise
- Private school
- Golf course
The filing fee for a Contingent Use Permit is $100.00 and you will be required to appear at a public hearing in front of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
PLEASE NOTE: This information is just a very brief summary of the Contingent Use section of the Zoning Ordinance. There may be additional restrictions and/or requirements that you will need to follow depending on your location and use. Please call me at (812) 649-6010 or email me at spencerplan@psci.net for more specific information.