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Addressing for Unincorporated Areas of Spencer County

Requirements for Obtaining a New Physical Address

The County upon request will issue an address to any lot, parcel, agricultural buildings and any other structure.

Placement and Size of Address Numbers

It is the property owner’s responsibility to have the new address properly displayed. If the property has a mailbox directly in front of the structure, your address number must be displayed with at least 3” numbers on both sides of the mailbox, using contrasting or reflective material. You must also display your address on your house or business, or on a sign at the entrance to your property using at least 3” numbers.

Where to Obtain Reflective Signs

Many Volunteer Fire Departments in the county make the reflective address sign as a fund raiser. You can contact any of the following departments for more information:

  • Carter Fire District
    (812) 937-2600
  • Jackson Fire Department
    (812) 937-4214
  • Rockport-Ohio Twp. Fire Department
    (812) 649-4654
  • St. Meinrad Fire Department
    (812) 357-6667