If you wish to vote by absentee ballot you must fill out an Absentee Ballot Application for each election that you desire to vote by Absentee Ballot. Applications do not carry over from election to election nor year to year.
Three Ways to Vote
There are three ways to vote by absentee ballot in the state of Indiana. You may vote by mail, by travel board or in the Voter Registration office. In person voting in the Voter Registration office begins 28 days prior to the election and ends at noon on the Monday before election day.
Acceptable Reasons
You do not need to have a specific reason for voting in person, this option is open to any registered voter. But, voting by mail and by travel board do require you to have a reason why you can not go to the polls. Acceptable reasons are listed on the Absentee Ballot Application.
You can obtain an Absentee Ballot Application (PDF) by contacting the Voter Registration office at 649-6017, or you can access additional information and download the form. After you have completed the application return it to:
Spencer County Voter Registration
P.O. Box 523
Rockport, IN 47635