Apply Demolition Permit
Demolition Permits are required for the demolition of structures in Randolph County (including incorporated cities and towns). Demolition permits are $100.00 for Commercial structures and $35.00 for Non-Commercial structures.
Property owners need to check the Indiana Department of Environmental Management's (IDEM) Permit Guide for Land Quality website for requirements on Demolition debris. Scroll down to the green heading "Demolition Debris" at the bottom of the page. Also, check IDEM's Air Quality site on Asbestos Waste Handling Requirements. There are links to homeowner guidance (exemptions and requirements) and commercial requirements for notification, compliance, permits, and forms.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management Notification Of Demolition and Renovation Operations, state form 44593 will need to be filed on commercial properties and also on two or more residential properties under the same control.
For all construction and demolition projects, make sure your contractor is REGISTERED in Randolph County.
If there are any questions feel free to contact the office by phone at 765-584-0275 or by email at