Senator Hershman's 2012 Legislative Survey

Questions marked with a * are required.

*1. Full Name:
*2. Street Address:
*3. City:
*4. Zip Code:
5. Email Address:
Mailed Survey Questions:
6. 1. Would you support or oppose lawmakers capping tuition growth at state colleges and universities in an effort to keep higher education more affordable for Hoosiers, even if the caps mean the institutions would have less money to fund operations?
7. 2. Would you support or oppose allowing Indiana riverboat casinos to build land-based facilities on their existing properties to help them remain competitive with new gaming operations in neighboring states?
8. 3. Would you support or oppose creating a state grant fund to increase access to substance-abuse treatment for parolees who have been identified with a substance-abuse disorder?
9. 4. Would you support or oppose legislation prohibiting government employees from serving as elected officials for the unit of government that employs them?
10. 5. Would you support or oppose giving counties the option of transitioning the services of their townships to existing city or county governments?
Online Survey Questions:
11. 1. Some believe people that workers should have a choice of whether or not to join a union, and that such a choice helps bring new businesses and jobs to Indiana. Others believe any employee working in a union-represented workplace should be required to join the union and allowing a choice would weaken the bargaining power of unions. Would you support or oppose allowing employees the right to choose whether or not to join a union?
12. 2. Would you support or oppose prohibiting smoking statewide in all public places, including bars, private clubs and casinos?
13. 3. Indiana recently discovered an additional $320 million dollars in state accounts due to a computer error. This represents approximately 2 percent of the state budget. Should the legislature...
Add the money to our rainy day fund in case the economy fails to recover
Pay down unfunded pension liabilities
Increase education funding
Provide a refund to taxpayers of $25 - $50 dollars
14. Additional comments and concerns:
*15. Please check here when you are ready to submit the survey.
I am ready to submit the survey.