[CITE: Peabody Coal Co. v. Dept., DOR, 3 CADDNAR 96 (1987)]





Cause #: 85-095R

Caption: Peabody Coal Co. v. Dept., DOR
Administrative Law Judge: Shadley  
Attorneys: Joest; Szostek, DAG
Date: May 29, 1987



Notice of Violation #N50319-S-00020, Part 2, is vacated.



1. This is a proceeding for administrative review of a Notice of Violation issued under IC 13-4.1. IC 13-4.1 applies to this proceeding.


2. The Department of Natural Resources is an agency as defined in IC 4-22-1. The Director is the ultimate authority of the Department with respect to this proceeding. This proceeding is governed by IC 4-22-1.


3. The Director has jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties to this proceeding.


4. On March 19, 1985, Eric Gerst, an authorized representative of the Director, issued Notice of Violation #N50319-S-00020, Part 2.


5. The Notice of Violation under review in this administrative cause was issued for failure to control surface drainage through the use of siltation structures before leaving the permit area in violation of 310 IAC 12-5-17(a) (1) and 310 IAC 12-5-21(a) (1).


6. The parties have stipulated that the drainage in questions discharged directly from Claimant's permit area into the Squaw Creek Coal Company North Area, permit #S-00008, which was contiguous to Claimant's 5900 permit area and that such drainage was directed into a sediment basin prior to leaving the Squaw Creek permit area.


7. The parties have stipulated that neither the reclamation plan for Claimant's permit #S-00020 nor the reclamation plan for Squaw Creek Coal Company's permit #S-00008 reflected that drainage from Claimant's permit area would be diverted to Squaw Creek's permit area for sediment control before being discharged into receiving streams.


8. The parties have stipulated that Respondent, Division of Reclamation, has adopted in the past and followed a position allowing discharge of drainage from one permanent program permit area without prior sediment control treatment directly into another permanent program area of the same permittee for treatment on the second permit area before discharged into the receiving streams of the state, provided that the reclamation plans of the two permits are so provided.


9. The parties have stipulated that the construction of a sediment pond or other siltation structure involved some disturbance of the environment and that it is preferable from the standpoint of environment protection that the minimum number of sediment ponds sufficient to provide adequate sediment control be constructed.


10. The parties have stipulated that there is no contention that the drainage from Claimant's Lynnville 5900 permit area did not receive adequate treatment in the Squaw Creek permit area prior to discharge into receiving streams.


11. The parties are agreed that under appropriate circumstances drainage from one permanent program permit area may be diverted without prior sediment control treatment into another permanent program permit area to be treated in the second permit area. Since there is no dispute between the parties on this point, I will assume for purposes of this decision without deciding the question that it is permissible to treat drainage from one permit area in an adjoining permit area for discharge into receiving streams.


12. The parties dispute what the appropriate circumstances for treatment in an adjoining permit area.  Claimant disputes this position.


13. Assuming that drainage from one permit area may be treated for sediment control in an adjoining permit area, neither 310 IAC 12-5-17(a)(1) or 310 IAC 12-5-21(a)(1) require by their own terms that the affected permittee's reclamation plan provide for such treatment. It may be that Claimant's failure to follow its reclamation plan could give rise to a violation, but that is not the violation with which Claimant has been charged in this case and the Notice of Violation cannot be sustained on any grounds other than those for which it was written.


14. Given the parties' agreement that under certain circumstances drainage from one permit area can be treated in an adjoining permit area, Claimant did not violate either 310 IAC 12-5-17(a)(1) or 310 IAC 12-5-21(a)(1) and the Notice of Violation should be vacated.