[CITE: Wayne McClue, et. ux. v. DNR, 3 CADDNAR 5 (1986)]




Cause #: 85-011W

Caption: Wayne McClue, et. ux. v. DNR

Administrative Law Judge: Lucas

Attorneys: pro se (McClue); Long, DAG

Date: January 20, 1986




The recommended findings of ALJ are approved and adopted. . . .The application by Wayne McClue for approval to change a shoreline or the bed of a public freshwater lake is remanded to the Division of Water with instructions to prepare a permit in accordance with the findings of fact. The permit should be tendered to the Natural Resources Commission for a final determination as soon as practicable.




1. The provisions of the administrative adjudication act (IC 4-22-1) govern this action.


2. The Department of Natural Resources (hereinafter the Department) is an "agency" as the term is defined in IC 4-22-1.


2. [Misnumbered in original Findings of Fact] The Natural Resources Commission (hereinafter Commission) is the ultimate authority of the Department with respect to the subject matter of this administrative action.


3. The Commission has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this action.


4. Wayne McClue and Jeanne McClue, husband and wife (hereinafter the McClues), are individually or jointly the fee owners of property on Snow Lake in Steuben County, Indiana, being more particularly identified as part of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 21, township 38 north, range 13 east (hereinafter the McClue property).


5. The shoreline of Snow Lake is at an elevation of 964.96 feet.


6. Snow Lake is a lake of natural origin and is a lesser body of water in a chain of lakes including Lake James, Steuben County.


7. Snow Lake has been used by the public with the acquiescence of a riparian owner and is not located in a county having a population not less than four hundred thousand (400,000) nor more than six hundred fifty thousand (650,000).


8. Snow Lake is a "public freshwater lake" as the phrase is defined in IC 13-2-11.1-2.


9. IC 13-2-11.1-2 provides as follows:


"(A) the Natural Resources and the Natural Scenic Beauty of Indiana are a public right, and the public of Indiana has vested right in the preservation, protection, and enjoyment of all the public freshwater lakes of Indiana in their present state, and the use of such waters for recreational purposes.

(B) the state has full power and control of all of the public freshwater lakes in Indiana both meandered and unmeandered; it holds and controls all of such lakes in trust for the use of all its citizens for recreational purposes.

(C)no person owing lands bordering a public freshwater lake has the exclusive right to the use of waters of any such lake or any party thereof."


10. IC 13-2-11.1-5 provides as follows: "Upon application by the owner of land abutting a public freshwater lake, the Department may issue a permit to change the shoreline or alter the bed of a public freshwater lake after investigating the merits of a written application; however, as a condition precedent to granting such a permit, the applicant must, in writing, acknowledge that all additional water area so created is part of the lake and dedicate it to the general public use. The application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of twenty-five dollars. ($25.00).


11. The McClues are owners of property abutting Snow Lake. The McClues are subject to IC 13-2-11.1 where seeking to change the shoreline or to alter the bed of Snow Lake; and, they have standing to apply for a permit under IC 13-2-11.1-5 for the portion of Snow Lake abutting the McClue property.


12. The McClues are riparian owners of lands abutting Snow Lake.


13. [Proposed finding 13 was deleted in accordance with an objection filed by counsel for the Department and after the ALJ stated he did not oppose its deletion. The McClues did not comment on the deletion.]


14. [Due to a clerical error, there is no finding 14.]


15. On a Departmental form dated October 13, 1983, Wayne McClue made a written "Application for Approval to Change Shore Line




or Bed of a Public Lakes" as anticipated by IC 13-2-11.1. The application sought approval for a boat well to facilitate a boat landing to solid ground and indicated that dredging would be required to effectuate that purpose.


16. After making the October 31, 1983 application, the McClues submitted plans for a boat ramp in lieu of a boat well. During the hearing, the McClues amended the Application to reflect the change. For the purpose of these Findings of Fact, the application seeks a boat ramp and not a boat well.


[Finding 17 was deleted by the Natural Resources Commission under the same terms as applied with respect to Finding 13.]


18. The boat ramp anticipated by the amended application proposes an excavation which is twenty-six feet wide, which extends two feet below the shoreline elevation of Snow Lake and which terminates 30 feet lakeward of the shoreline.


19. The proposed ramp is located at the northeastern end of the McClue property shoreline along Snow Lake, including a description of the proposed boat ramp.


20. The project anticipated by the amended application involves dredging at the same location as is set forth in the original application of October 31, 1983. Dredging is needed for the construction of a boat ramp just as dredging is needed for the construction of a boat well.


21. A wetland is real property that has, at least intermittently, water-saturated soils.


22. A wetland is a natural resource.


23. Jurisdiction of the Department under IC 13-2-11.1 is limited to those wetlands located within the shoreline of a public freshwater lake.


24. The policy of the Department is to determine the wetlands which have a positive effect upon the natural resources of an area, and, where practicable, to preserve and protect those wetlands.


25. Immediately contiguous to the shoreline of the McClue property is a floating mat, beneath which are the waters of Snow Lake.


26. The floating mat consists of hydrophilic plants, primarily cattails and sedges, which over many years have formed a self-supporting and buoyant mass of intertwined strands.


27. The floating mat is a wetland covering at least 1½  acres, and possibly covering as much as 5 acres, located along the lakeward side of the McClue property and extending south of the McClue property (hereinafter the subject wetland).


28. To the lakeward side of the subject wetland is the open water of Snow Lake.


29. An irregular line is formed by the transition between the subject wetland and the open water of Snow Lake. That irregular line forms what casual observation suggests is the shoreline of Snow Lake, but is a false or pseudo-shoreline (hereinafter the pseudo-shoreline).


30. The pseudo-shoreline along the McClue property is identified on Exhibit Alpha [not depicted] with a dashed line accompanied by the phrase "Legal Lake Level = 964.96."


31. The true or genuine shoreline (hereinafter the shoreline) is located along the landward side of the subject wetland.


32. The shoreline along the McClue property is identified on Exhibit Alpha [not depicted] with a dashed squiggled line accompanied on the landward side by the word "grass" and on the lakeward side by the phrase "wetland vegetation."


33. The jurisdiction of the Department under IC 13-2-11.1 begins at the shoreline [as identified in Findings of Fact 25 and 26] and extends lakeward from the shoreline.


34. The subject wetland is located lakeward from the shoreline and lies within the jurisdiction of the Department under IC 13-2-11.1.


35. The subject wetland is one of two wetlands located within Snow Lake, and the subject wetland is important to the continued integrity of Snow Lake in terms of water clarity and in terms of fish and wildlife.


36. Other wetland resources formerly existing within Snow Lake have been destroyed through residential or commercial development or properties adjacent to Snow Lake. The subject wetland formerly extended east of the McClue property, but has there been eliminated by the activities of an adjacent landowner.


37. The McClue shoreline extends for at least 1,028 feet.


38. The McClue property has been owned by the McClue family since at least 1920. Preservation of the subject wetland adjacent to the McClue property has been largely due to the conservation efforts of Wayne McClue or to the McClues' abstinence from development at that location.


39. Wayne McClue is in poor health. In the absence of the proposed boat ramp, he is effectively denied access from the McClue property to Snow Lake.


40. The Department and the people of the State of Indiana have a legitimate interest in the preservation of the subject wetland.


41. The proposed boat ramp would destroy approximately .024 acres of the subject wetland. If the wetland encompasses 1½ acres [see Findings of Fact 27], about 1.6% of the wetland would be destroyed by the proposed boat ramp.


42. The damage to the subject wetland resulting from the proposed boat ramp is within acceptable limits, provided that construction




Techniques are applied to minimize damage to the area surrounding the boat ramp and provided that the remainder of the subject wetland adjacent to the McClue property Is preserved.


43. The McClues' shoreline contiguous to the subject wetland should be described with reasonable particularity. The permit should included, as a condition of acceptance, that there be no future change of the shoreline or alteration of the bed of Snow Lake adjacent to the McClue property, except upon mutual consent of the Department and the owner of the McClue property. The permit should indicate that its terms constitute a continuing restriction on the use of the McClue property, and the permit should be recorded with the