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Frequently asked Questions for Federal Documents

Federal Documents FAQ's

Q.   Some of your documents start with p.d.   What is this and how can I find it in your library?

A.   Our Federal Documents Collection before 1966 uses the location collection designation p.d., the abbreviation for public documents (p.d.) which is above the Dewey classification call number. You can search our p.d. card catalog on the second floor of the library to find items before 1966. Staff is retrospectively cataloging the items in the p.d. card catalog into our online catalog, so eventually they will all be found in our online catalog. Items received after 1966 are in SuDoc classification and are available in the online catalog.  

Q.  How are the rest of your documents numbered/classified?

A.   Federal Documents 1966-current uses SuDoc, Superintendent of Documents Classification System. The SuDoc classification system is organized according to the agency that issued the publication. The Current SuDoc stem can be found here.

Q.  Where can I find your federal documents?

A.  Most of our federal documents are in ‘closed stacks’, which means they are not accessible to the public.    The process is simple:  you request your item via call slip and we retrieve it for you.     Items like the Federal Register, CFR, Congressional Record, and the US Code are in our open reference area on the 2nd floor.   Items on microfilm and microfiche are on the 2nd floor in the microfilm area.  

Q.   What documents can I find in the Serial Set and how do I find them?

A.  The following items can be found in the serial set: House and Senate Reports, House and Senate Documents; Senate Executive Reports, Senate Executive Documents, and Senate Treaty Documents. In order to find these items, you need to know the volume or serial number, and congressional session ex:   92nd Congress, first session. The serial set can be found in the ISL federal documents collection pre-1966:  p.d. 328; 1966-current:  Y1.1/2; y4:  1965-1980 serial set numbers 12662-1 (89th Congress, 1st session)-13384 (96th Congress, 2nd session); also available on microfiche for 1st-57th Congress.

Q.  I can’t find documents before the 15th Congress in the Serial Set?   Why?

A.  The Serial Set began publication with the 15th Congress, 1st Session (1817).  Documents before 1817 are found in the American State Papers.   American State Papers 1789-1838 are available online and on microfiche for the 1st-17th Congress.  The American State Papers can be found in the ISL federal documents collection p.d. 327 Un58 v. 1-12.

Q.   What can I find in the Federal Register?

A.  The Federal Register began on March 14, 1936.  The Federal Register is the official daily publication for Presidential documents and executive agency rule and notice documents. Documents include:   executive orders and proclamations; documents of general applicability and legal effect; documents that impose a penalty; any other documents that Congress requires. The Federal Register can be found at the ISL federal documents collection pre-1966: p.d. 345 Un58 f; 1966-current:  AE 2.106:(these can also be found on microfiche v.1 1936-current) The Federal Register 1994-current is available online.  

Q.  What is the Code of Federal Regulations, or CFR?

A.  The CFR contains agency rules that first appeared in the Federal Register. On the effective date of rule, the Office of the Federal Register publishes the Code of Federal Regulations editors incorporate the amendments from the rule into the CFR. Codifying (arranging) the rules doesn’t change their meaning or legal effect, it merely creates an organizational structure for the rules and allows readers to see the complete text of an effective rule without having to refer back to various issues of the Federal Register. The CFR can be found at the ISL federal documents collection AE 2.106/3: fiche: 1967-2012. The CFR 1996-current is available online. You can view current, updated versions at e-CFR.

Q. What is the Congressional Record?

A.  The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It’s published daily when Congress is in session. Information about Congress and what years are associated with a particular Congress can be found here. The Congressional Record can be found in the ISL federal documents collection pre-1966: p.d. 328cr; 1966-current X1.1/A: on microfilm (p.d. 328cr) 43rd Congress (1874)-94th Congress (1967) The Congressional Record for Congresses 104-114 is available online.  

Q.  What is the Congressional Globe?

A.  The Congressional Globe, or Globe, contains the congressional debates of the 23rd-42nd Congresses (1833-1873). There are approximately 46 volumes in the series. Initially the Globe contained a ‘condensed report’ or abstract rather than a verbatim report of the debates and proceedings. With the 32nd Congress the Globe began to provide something approaching verbatim transcription. The Congressional Globe can be found in the ISL federal documents collection pre-1966:  p.d. 328cg on microfilm 23rd Congress (1833)-42nd Congress (1873); print: p.d. 328cg v. 1-46.  

FD BA 11-9-2015