Public Provider Immunization Assessments in Indiana
2000 Assessment Results

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Apendix A
National Immunization Survey


The National Immunization Program at the CDC conducts the National Immunization Survey (NIS) to determine vaccination coverage levels in each of the fifty states as well as in twenty-eight major metropolitan areas. This survey, performed quarterly, randomly selects a statistically significant sample from each geographic locale to determine the vaccination coverage level of children aged 19 to 35 months of age, both for separate antigens and for the 4 DTaP:3Polio:I MMR:3 Hib vaccination series. Table 1 summarizes recent NIS findings for Indiana.

Survey Area 1996 1997 1998 2000
United States 77±0.8% 76±0.8% 79±0.9% 78.4±0.9%
Indiana (except Marion County) 70±3.9% 72±3.7% 77.5±5.6% 74.3±5.0%
Marion County 72±5.4% 81±4.5% 78±5.3% 79.1±5.8%

Comparing to Indiana's Immunization Assessment

The National Immunization Survey assesses vaccination coverage levels among a sample of 19 to 35 month old children, regardless of the type of provider administering vaccine. The Indiana Immunization Program conducts more thorough assessments in each of the 94 local health departments and in non-health department public clinics. These assessments determine the vaccination coverage level of 24 to 35 month old children who receive immunizations at those clinics.

Because of differences in the sampling populations, the age group of interest, and the methods used, direct comparison between the NIS and Indiana's assessment projects is not possible. However, a review of the results from both the national and local assessments provides a well-rounded picture of Indiana's current immunization coverage levels.


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