Last Federal Certification Survey

Surveys conducted by the Indiana State Department of Health are classified as either State Licensure Surveys or as Federal Certification Surveys. Although the surveys are conducted in similar ways and by the same personnel, the measuring criteria are different, and the results of the surveys are treated differently.

The Federal Certification Survey Table on the consumer report will present the information for the last federal survey. That information includes the date the survey was completed. If there were no violations of any standards or conditions, the agency was considered to be in substantial compliance. Otherwise, the number of standard violations and the number of condition violations will be noted. If the agency was resurveyed, and found to no longer be in violation; or if the agency submitted a plan to correct the violations, and the plan was accepted by the Division, then that date is entered as the date substantial compliance was achieved.

If there were violations noted in the standards or conditions columns, they may be viewed by clicking on the date of the survey. You will be taken to an additional page that will identify and list the violations.