DAPW Projects Currently Bidding

Here is an example of a row from the Projects Currently Bidding summary table. Below the example you will find a glossary defining what each element of the table represents.

Project Title Bid Date
and Time
Addenda DAPW
Project Manager
Documents Available
Date Entered
Last Modified
B1-111 Fiber & Wire for LAN Network
Indianapolis Juvenile Correctional Facility/DOC
1:30 PM
#1 7/20/1999 Bill Cronin
(317) 555-3015
(317) 555-8012

Project Number (PWP#): Public Works' numerical identifier for the project.

Project Title: Public Works' name for the project (includes PWP#) - linked to Notice to Bidders (See below)

Bid Date and Time: Sealed bids, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, must be delivered to the Public Works Reception Desk prior to this date and time.

Addenda: Official modifications to the Bidding Documents - number and issue date.

DAPW Project Manager: Public Works staff member managing this project - name and telephone number. If available, the name of the project manager will serve as a link to email the project manager.

Documents Available From: Where to get the documents - name and telephone number. If available, the name of the document holder will serve as a link to either the document holder's email or website. If previews of the documents are available online, a "Preview Here" link will appear under the ducument holder's phone number.

Date Entered/Last Modified: Date project added to this table and date the entry was last edited

Notice to Bidders: This provides more in depth information about a project to potential bidders. The Project Title serves as a link to this information.

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